Absinthe from around world by country categories

Absinthe from all over the world
Here you can find Absinthes from all over the world sorted by categoriesIn this shop the different categories in this product group are sorted by Absinthe by country. It is undisputed that each of these countries has its own tradition in the preparation of the green fairy. Therefore, the tastes in the basic direction are often very different. Thus a certain variety can also be achieved for the individual Absintheur, if one has already tried a certain taste too often. In the Czech Republic, for example, this drink is more popular with less aniseed, but in France it is more popular with aniseed, with lemon balm being preferred in Spain. The tradition in Switzerland would then be to make the green fairy appear as a white fairy - namely as La Bleu and therefore colourless or transparent. This is then a pure distillate. In other countries, however, the green fairy is usually coloured with a colour maceration so that the absinthe is green.
Historical Absinthe Advertising

Absinthe Advertising
Historical Absinthe Advertising from the time of the turn of the century
Different Absinthe Tastes
So you, dear customer, can decide which flavour you are personally most interested in and test it with other flavours from different countries. Strangely enough, other colours than green are also appearing at the moment: While the red colour in Spain contains a certain argument of origin, blue, yellow, violet or black are rather untraditional forms of this drink. If you want to buy real Absinthe, then you should avoid atypical colours at the green fairy. Stick to the tradition and enjoy in green colourless as La Bleu or red in case of need.
Further information about Absinthe
Further information about Absinthe can be found on our information page, which deals extensively with this topic and where you will find comprehensive knowledge. Because also the world for this topic is transient and must be updated at any time again.

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